Import or update users via API
You can use our GraphQL API to import your users, create new ones or update them automatically.
Importing or modifying users allows you to automate the management of your users to:
create your users in bulk,
synchronize your users between applications (i.e. user provisioning),
automate the creation of a user according to your needs,
update user information (username, password, group, ...),
modify the configuration of your users' communication channels
API authentication uses temporary and revocable access keys (tokens). Please note that the lifetime of the key is 24 hours.
To generate your access key, please refer to this section.
Steps to follow
Importing your users
The userCreate resource of our GraphQL API allows you to specify all the information available when creating your users.
Updating your users
The userUpdate resource of our GraphQL API allows you to update all the information of your users.
Main information
First name of the user
Last name of the user
User's email
User's password
User role identifier: advisor, manager, administrator,...
The username that will be displayed in the dialogue window
A portrait of the advisor can be displayed in the dialogue window.
(The image must be less than 1MB, 1000px by 1000px in PNG, jpg, or gif format, with automatic resizing applied afterward)
The channels object of this resource allows you to specify the configuration of the different channels (chat, call, video, third party channels) for the user to be created: channel activation, number of configured slots, etc
List of competency identifiers assigned to the user
Project Ids
The identifiers of the projects accessible to this user
User group identifier
Country preferences
User localization: main language, spoken languages, time zone, date/time format
External user ID
SAML identifier of the user for the use of SSO
Good practices
The user or users queries allow you to retrieve the information of the users you've created.
You can easily manage your users' skills with the following resources:
The userDelete resource allow you to delete a user if needed
Last updated
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