App Plugins
Use plugins to enhance the iAdvize interface by adding or editing predefined features.
Plugins are basically HTTP endpoints whose json responses fit the plugin json-schema. For each plugin one or more endpoint have to be defined. When a plugin is used on user interface, we will make a GET http call to endpoint with documented query parameters. Your http response have to comply with plugin json-schema. You can find a link of the json schema below each plugin route. It can be used to validate your http responses on your side.
The plugins already available are:
Product list
The integration of the product list enables iAdvize's Console panel users to browse a product catalog from the iAdvize discussion panel. Agents can look for a product while they are chatting and send it in just a click within their conversation.
Products are displayed in a popup window just over the conversations view: When shared, visitors can see their image, title, availability and price. By clicking on the "view product" button, visitors are redirected to the product page on your website.
Add the Product list plugin
To make sure your connector uses the Product list plugin correctly, all you have to do is to declare:
The product list URL - this is your catalog’s URL
The categories url - this is where your connector will get the list of your product categories
Categories data
Request - GET method
Query parameter | Description | Values |
idConnectorVersion | Connector version id | ?idConnectorVersion=c008849d-7cb1-40ca-9503-d6df2c5cddd8 |
idParent | Unique identifier of the parent category | ?idParent=123 |
idWebsite | Unique identifier of the website on which your connector is installed | ?idWebsite=ha-123 |
idOperator | Unique identifier of the operator loading the categories | ?idOperator=9999 |
limit | Maximum number of resources per page | ?limit=10 |
offset | Number of resources skipped before beginning to return resources | ?offset=10 |
Response - Array of categories
Field | Description | Values | Required |
id | Unique identifier | Integer | ✓ |
idParent | Unique identifier of the parent category | Integer | |
label | Label | String | ✓ |
products | products | Array of strings | |
productsCount | Number of products | Integer | ✓ |
You can validate your response data format with the associated json schema
Products data
Request - GET method
Query parameter | Description | Values |
idConnectorVersion | Connector version id | ?idConnectorVersion=c008849d-7cb1-40ca-9503-d6df2c5cddd8 |
idCategory | Category id | ?idCategory=123 |
idWebsite | Unique identifier of the website on which your connector is installed | ?idWebsite=ha-123 |
idOperator | Unique identifier of the operator loading the products | ?idOperator=9999 |
limit | Maximum number of resources per page | ?limit=10 |
offset | Number of resources skipped before beginning to return resources | ?offset=10 |
searchQuery | Product search query | ?searchQuery=query |
Response - Array of products
Field | Description | Values | Required |
id | Unique identifier | Integer | ✓ |
title | Title | String | ✓ |
productUrl | Product's url | String | ✓ |
brand | Brand | String | |
description | Description | String | ✓ |
shortDescription | Short description | String | |
available | Availability | Boolean | |
imageUrl | Image's url | String | ✓ |
reference | Reference | String | ✓ |
priceCatalog | Price catalog | String | ✓ |
pricePromotion | Price promotion | String | |
priceSpecial | Price special | String |
You can validate your response data format with the associated json schema.
Customer information
The customer information plugin enables iAdvize's Console panel users to access to customer information in a single click. Agents can overview the customer information in a new window while they are chatting. Operators can then edit it or simply look for information.
To be able to retrieve the customer information, iAdvize must be able to identify the visitor thanks to an email and/or an external ID.
Add the customer information plugin In order to set the right plugin parameters, all you have to do is to declare:
The customer information URL - this is your customer information URL (mandatory).
The customer information action URL - This URL will be triggered, if agent click on ACTION type field. This field is not mandatory.
Customer information data
Request - GET method
Query parameter | Description | Values |
emailVisitor | Visitor email | ? |
idConnectorVersion | Connector version id | ?idConnectorVersion=c008849d-7cb1-40ca-9503-d6df2c5cddd8 |
idVisitorExternal | Visitor external id | ?idVisitorExternal=123 |
idVisitorUnique | Visitor unique id | ?idVisitorUnique=a7b94266db827c5b8f04586e8e543abd4b7e976e9a723 |
idWebsite | Unique identifier of the website on which your connector is installed | ?idWebsite=ha-123 |
operatorLocale | Operator locale | ?operatorLocale=en |
idOperator | Unique identifier of the operator loading the visitor profile | ?idOperator=9999 |
Response - Array of fields
Field | Description | Values | Required |
id | Unique identifier | String | ✓ |
label | Label | String | ✓ |
value | Value | String | ✓ |
fieldType | Field type |
| ✓ |
You can validate your response data format with the associated json schema.
Customer information action URL
Request - POST method
Body parameters | Description | Values |
action | Action to execute on the connector | OPEN_CASE |
idConnectorVersion | Connector version id | c008849d-7cb1-40ca-9503-d6df2c5cddd8 |
idVisitorUnique | Visitor unique id | a7b94266db827c5b8f04586e8e543abd4b7e976e9a723 |
idWebsite | Unique identifier of the website on which your connector is installed | ha-123 |
idConversation | Identifier of the current conversation | ha-123 |
idOperator | Operator identifier who has clicked on the action | ha-12345 |
Response - Array of fields
Field | Description | Values | Required |
success | Result of the action | Boolean | ✓ |
message | Result message of the action | String |
You can validate your response data format with the associated json schema.
Conversation closing form
The conversation closing form plugin enables iAdvize's Console panel users to provide additional information manually at the end of conversation. This plugin is only available for Chat / Call and Video channels. 3rd part channels are not supported.
Add the conversation closing form plugin
In order to set the right plugin parameters, all you have to do is to declare:
The connector URL - this is your form's url
Conversation Closing Form data
Request - GET method
Query parameter | Description | Values |
idConnectorVersion | Connector version id | ?idConnectorVersion=c008849d-7cb1-40ca-9503-d6df2c5cddd8 |
idWebsite | Unique identifier of the associated website (assigned to you by iAdvize) | ?idWebsite=ha-123 |
operatorLocale | Operator locale | ?operatorLocale=en |
idOperator | Unique identifier of the operator loading the form | ?idOperator=9999 |
Response - Array of inputs
Field | Description | Values | Required |
id | Unique identifier | string | ✓ |
idParent | Parent identifier, if the field depends on it | string | |
label | Label | string | ✓ |
fieldType | Field type |
| ✓ |
isRequired | Required | Boolean | ✓ |
options | List of options object for | array | |
options.label | Label displayed for this option | string | ✓ |
options.value | Value saved when option is selected | string | ✓ |
You can validate your response data format with the associated json schema.
⚠️ iAdvize can save up to 1024 characters in each field
Custom App
Custom App extends the capabilities of the Desk by allowing our clients to embed their own apps in a dedicated panel.
Read more about Custom App technology
External bots
Let your bot interact with online visitors directly within iAdvize’s chatbox. The External Bot plugin enables iAdvize's Admins and Managers to create users with the role “bot” from iAdvize’s administration. The scenario and availability of the bot are managed by your app.
Read more about External Bot technology
Last updated