Use the library
Include this javascript bundle in the html
Copy < script src = "" ></ script >
Global cariable used as the entry point of the CPA library, stored in window
init() : Promise
Client is obtained using idzCpa.init that returns a Promise
Copy window . idzCpa .init () .then (client => {
//some code
Returns the client's information in the form of a Context object
Copy type Context = {
conversationId : string ;
projectId : string ;
channel : Channel ;
language : string ;
conversationId : id of the conversation between the client and the operator
projectId : Id of the project you launch the desk on
channel : Type of channel :
Copy AppleBusinessChat = 'APPLE_BUSINESS_CHAT',
Call = 'CALL',
Chat = 'CHAT',
Facebook = 'FACEBOOK',
FacebookBusinessOnMessenger = 'FACEBOOK_BUSINESS_ON_MESSENGER',
MobileApp = 'MOBILE_APP',
Sms = 'SMS',
Video = 'VIDEO',
Whatsapp = 'WHATSAPP',
language : language of the client
Insert the text passed in parameters into the compose box
Push the card passed in parameters into the conversation thread
Copy type Action = {
type : "LINK" ;
title : string ;
url : string ;
type Card = {
title ?: string ;
text ?: string ;
actions : Action [];
image ?: {
url : string ;
description : string ;
Push the card bundle passed in parameters in the conversation thread
Copy type Carousel = {
title ?: string ;
cards : Card []
getJWT() : string
Returns the JWT of the desk
pushApplePayPaymentRequestInConversationThread(ApplePayPaymentRequestType) : Promise
Insert an ApplePay payment request in the conversation, returns a promise.
If the payment is successful => execute promise.then(()=>{ })
If there is an error in the payment => execute promise.catch((e : ActionError)=>{ })
Copy type ApplePayPaymentRequestType = {
requestIdentifier : UUID ;
payment : ApplePayPaymentRequest ;
receivedMessage : ApplePayReceivedMessage ;
// Detail for payment field type
type ApplePayPaymentRequest {
currencyCode: string;
lineItems : PaymentItem[];
requiredBillingContactFields : ApplePayContactField[];
requiredShippingContactFields : ApplePayContactField[];
shippingMethods : ShippingMethod[];
total : PaymentItem;
type PaymentItem = {
amount : string ;
label : string ;
type : ApplePayLineItemType ;
enum ApplePayLineItemType {
final ,
pending ,
type ShippingMethod = {
amount : string ;
detail : string ;
identifier : string ;
label : string ;
enum ApplePayContactField {
email = 'email' ,
name = 'name' ,
phone = 'phone' ,
postalAddress = 'postalAddress' ,
phoneticName = 'phoneticName' ,
// type for receivedMessage field
type ApplePayReceivedMessage {
type : 'CARD' ;
data : CardType;
type CardType = {
title ?: string ;
text ?: string ;
image ?: CardImage ;
actions : LinkAction [];
type CardImage = {
url : string ;
description : string ;
type LinkAction = {
type : 'LINK' ;
title : string ;
url : string ;
// Error
type ActionError = {
message : string ;
details ?: string [];
client . pushApplePayPaymentRequestInConversationThread (applePayPaymentRequest : ApplePayPaymentRequestType ) : Promise