My visitor is being inactive in the conversation, how can I send him/her a message?

You can schedule a message to be sent after a while such as:

    "idConversation": "ce41ba2c-c25a-4351-b946-09527d8b940b",
    "idOperator": "ha-456678",
    "replies": [
            "type": "message",
            "payload": {
                "contentType": "text",
                "value": "To download your invoice, just click on the Invoice section into your account settings"
            "quickReplies": []
            "type": "await",
            "duration": {
                "unit": "seconds",
                "value": 120
            "type": "message",
            "payload": {
                "contentType": "text",
                "value": "Can I still help you ?"
            "quickReplies": []
    "createdAt": "2017-11-22T12:04:00Z",
    "updatedAt": "2017-11-22T12:23:00Z"

Explanation: After 2 minutes, the message Can I still help you ? will be sent to the visitor. If the visitor sends a message before the 2 minutes timer, this message is not sent to the conversation.

How can I check the availability of a rule before a transfer?

You can check the availability with the routingRule query in our GraphQL API. This query returns a routingRule object in which there is an availability field allowing to know the availability of the different channels.

Here is an example of a query to retrieve the availability on chat channel:

query getAvailabilityOfMyRoutingRule {
  routingRule(id: "MY_ROUTING_RULE_UUID") {
    availability {
      chat {

And its result:

  "data": {
    "routingRule": {
      "availability": {
        "chat": {
          "isAvailable": false

My chat notification does not display, even if I went through all the bot creation process and campaign creation process

  • Is your browser's main language the same language the bot is configured to chat in? If not, make sure they match

  • Is your bot available to chat? Make sure that your bot is available to chat i.e. the availability endpoint is reachable and returns true. See the availability-strategy endpoint here.

My bot is stuck in an infinite loop, it keeps replying to itself.

Mind that all the messages sent in the conversation (whether your bot is the author or not) trigger a call to the POST /conversations/conversationId/messages. To avoid replying to yourself, you have to filter on the author. If the author equals visitor then you can reply otherwise, just return an empty "replies" array:

  idConversation: ...,
  idOperator: ...,
  replies: [], // Empty replies
  createdAt: ...,
  updatedAt: ...

My bot always appears to be offline, how can I change that?

Did you implement the GET /availability-strategies correctly?

Why is the iAdvize bot selected and not my external bot in the iAdvize admin interface?

Did you implement correctly the following endpoints:

Last updated

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